Crisis Estructurales en la Unión Europea del Siglo XXI: Retos Hacia la Integración Europea
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European Union, regionalism, crisis, EU-scepticism, regional integration and Europe.

How to Cite

Rodríguez-Suárez, P.M. 2020. Crisis Estructurales en la Unión Europea del Siglo XXI: Retos Hacia la Integración Europea. Latin American Journal of International Affairs. 10, 1 (May 2020), 59-78.


This article discusses the most important problems facing the EU in the 21st century. It is worth mentioning that these problems have created the worst crisis that the EU has faced in its entire history. The variables that have given rise to the aforementioned crisis are: unemployment, mass migration, political refugees, terrorism, low economic growth, economic crises, Euroscepticism, as well as, the Brexit phenomenon. This article has three cardinal objectives. The first, analyses and describes the most important problems facing European integration. The second, creates a hypothetical scenario about how these problems can affect Europe´s integration process. The third and last one, presents the alternatives that currently exist to address Europe´s integration process, that from the perspective of some specialists threat the very existence of that organization.
Keywords: European Union, regionalism, crisis, EU-scepticism, regional integration and Europe.

PDF (Español (España))


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