Redes Sociales Virtuales Como Mecanismos de Expansión de la Membresía Translocal en Contextos de Exclusión
Portada del Volumen 9 numero 3 con los 5 artículos con sus respectivos autores y afiliaciones institucionales
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: migration, translocality, emotions and virtual spaces.

How to Cite

Rodríguez-Suárez, P.M. 2019. Redes Sociales Virtuales Como Mecanismos de Expansión de la Membresía Translocal en Contextos de Exclusión. Latin American Journal of International Affairs. 9, 3 (Dec. 2019), 1-29.



The migration has resized social practices; the sense of belonging is reconsidered and membership is renegotiated and discussed owing to generating strategies for its support. The trans-local community operates through multiple situated relations that reveal the ways in which migrants are adapting to the new demands of the community. We emphasize the emotional impulse of homesick ness, as one of the support vehicles community. The community is redefined and covered by a set of socio-cultural relations, which its members generates where the location is not central, but the connection.
A new dimension of community social space is not only the fact that the community is not sitting in a topography, but agreements, commitments and recognitions are exhibited and also resolved in cyberspace that, despite being even less concrete than the spatial notion territory, gives cohesion and brings a dynamic to preserve the community element. Facebook, YouTube and a blog are the Web platforms of virtual space where "neighbors, countrymen and citizens concur" (categories secondment based on migration), where there is a reproduction of social practices, even the most ancient and fundamental in order to give a new dimension to a trans-local community, multilocated, and cyberlocated.

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