Analysis of the New Consensus on EU Development in the Latin American context: Consequences for cooperation and interregional dialogue
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Development Policy
Latin America
International colaboration

How to Cite

Ramis-Olivos, Álvaro 2019. Analysis of the New Consensus on EU Development in the Latin American context: Consequences for cooperation and interregional dialogue. Latin American Journal of International Affairs. 9, 2 (Sep. 2019), 1-29.


The text addresses an analysis of the structure of the New Consensus on EU Development, describing the proposed vision and the underlying principles of it. It dwells on the concept of sustainable development and its integration with the 2030 Agenda; and the integration of the concept of policy coherence for development is critically valued. In addition, the scope of the document on cooperation flows with middle-income countries and on the nature of cooperation instruments, particularly those developed for organized civil society providing a "state of the art" of the international panorama from a dialogue between different actors. Finally, it reviews the possibilities of the New EU Consensus as a new framework for interregional dialogue developed by multi-stakeholders and aims to identify their implications for the EU's cooperation policies in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Política de Desarrollo, Desarrollo sostenible, Cooperación internacional, América Latina

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