New Epistemic Horizons in a Teacher Training Proposal for Educators of Youth and Adults
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Adult Education - Teacher training program.

How to Cite

Kompen Ceballos, N. 2019. New Epistemic Horizons in a Teacher Training Proposal for Educators of Youth and Adults. Latin American Journal of International Affairs. 9, 2 (Sep. 2019), 44-57.


This article presents background and reflections on the educational needs of educators in the education of young people and adults in the current case of Chile, and the educational possibilities that are seen as possibilities of an epistemic overcoming with respect to traditional ones, in this case, popular education, in convergence with contributions of transformational learning. Next in this text whe present the case of the proposal made in the Diploma program in Education of Young People and Adults as Integral Training of the Subject in the Perspective of the Social Emancipation and Inclusion in the Pedagogy of Primary School  in the university Academia de Humanismo Cristiano.

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