This article proposes a new approach which intends to better utilize and articulate the term ¨elite.¨ The implementation of this tactic is seen as necessary not only due to the term’s controversial nature, yet the conflict and discussion that the term has produced, specifically regarding its misuse. This lack of proper utilization can be attributed to its misunderstanding, as well as the incorrect usage when associating the term with others, such as political leaders or political or ruling class.
This approach has been formulated based on a combination of diverse perspectives, all stemming from different areas of the social sciences, therefore offering an interdisciplinary method in order to clarify the term’s usage and its application to international relations. Additionally, this proposition would offer a new model, one where different academic sensitivities would be addressed, incorporating elements from former elitist theorists as well as social researchers.
In order to achieve this, we offer a renewed definition of the term ¨elite,¨ which avoids its previous connotations with the Marxist definition of the term and instead, links it with the idea of a social group. In turn, this should then provide a wide range of possibilities for the term’s usage, therefore enabling its application to analyse the social, political, and international reality while providing us with new tools to describe said interactions at different levels.
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